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Hitting Type 2 Diabetes from different directions

By 2006, GSK's diabetes portfolio consisted of Avandia, Avandamet, and Avandaryl.  They now had the weapons in their armamentarium to address the needs of an unprecedented range of Type 2 Diabetes patients.  The challenge was, meeting all those patients' needs was a complicated endeavor required data and answers to questions about treating all stages of the disease, in different patient types, and with mono- or combination therapy.

The answer was a comprehensive detail aid that helped position each product for appropriate use, create an image of the patients who were ideal for them, and provided instructions for how a doctor could safely and effectively prescribe Avandia, Avandamet, or Avandaryl in combination with any of the other drug therapies a patient with T2D might be taking.

GSK/Avandia Franchise

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